The 8th EuroGOOS international conference, titled Operational Oceanography in Service of Sustainable Marine Development, took place in Bergen, Norway, on 3-5 October 2017. The event was co-hosted by the Institute of Marine Research, IMR, and the Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Centre, NERSC, and co-organized with the EuroGOOS office. Delegates from 24 countries and many… Read more »
SDG 14: EuroGOOS commitment towards sustained and integrated ocean observing and open data sharing
Today on World Oceans Day, EuroGOOS submitted its commitment to the UN Sustainable Development Goal 14 towards Sustained and Integrated Ocean Observing and Open Data Sharing (view on the UN Ocean Conference website). In the statement, EuroGOOS commits to further its efforts to coordinate European ocean observing supporting networks of Regional Operational Oceanographic Systems (ROOSes)… Read more »
EuroGOOS General Assembly 2017: Main highlights
EuroGOOS General Assembly took place in Brussels from 31 May to 2 June 2017. 56 delegates attended the special open session dedicated to ocean observing and derived marine data and services. EuroGOOS and European Marine Board presented the progress in the development of an integrated and sustained European Ocean Observing System, EOOS. Coordinated by those… Read more »
Sea-level measurements: EuroGOOS note for policymakers released at EMD 2017
EuroGOOS Tide Gauge Task Team has delivered a statement to policymakers and public authorities. In the statement, the task team calls on national ocean observing funders to address sustainability of tide gauge networks. This note, titled “Sea level observation networks in and around Europe: Challenges in monitoring increasing sea level hazards”, has been released at… Read more »
EuroGOOS Kostas Nittis Medal and travel grant to young researchers: Call open!
In 2015, EuroGOOS established the Kostas Nittis Medal in the memory of EuroGOOS Secretary General and strategic leader Dr. Kostas Nittis (1964-2014). The Kostas Nittis Medal is accompanied by a grant and awarded to a young marine professional within the operational oceanography and broader ocean observing community. The Kostas Nittis Medal and the grant amounting… Read more »
Call for abstracts open for 8th EuroGOOS Conference (3-5/10/2017)
EuroGOOS 2017 Conference Priorities (124.6 KiB) Abstract submission is now open for the 8th EuroGOOS International Conference, Operational Oceanography Serving Sustainable Marine Development, to take place in Bergen, Norway, from 3 to 5 October 2017. Key priorities of the 2017 EuroGOOS conference are: Highlight the progress in linking and aligning European ocean observing stakeholders and… Read more »
Engaging industry in use and sharing European marine data: New guide released
The capacity of marine data and information to deliver sustainable economic benefits has been recognized. However, coastal and ocean observatories and public data-sharing initiatives face common challenges in demonstrating uptake and application of open marine data and information for economic development and innovation. This is critical for those initiatives aiming to deliver growth in the… Read more »
Marine/Maritime Spatial Planning Conference, 15-17 March: Key points and EuroGOOS showcase
Scroll down for the event’s photogallery The 2nd International Conference on Marine/Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) took place at UNESCO, Paris, on 15-17 March. The conference brought together 300 MSP practitioners, consultants, environmental managers, policymakers, and social-economists. The participants discussed the lessons learnt in the MSP process, and looked ahead, re-confirming the critical role of MSP… Read more »
Shipping in the Arctic – applications open for a student course at UNIS, Svalbard
UNIS, the University Centre in Svalbard, Norway, has opened applications for a student course on Shipping in the Arctic. The course will take place in Svalbard from 31 July to 11 August 2017. The course is interdisciplinary, providing lectures on climate, sea ice, weather, environment, navigation, technology, infrastructure, economy, regulations, and geopolitics related to shipping… Read more »
Future Observation System for the Arctic – new European project kicks off in Bergen
The Arctic and the 4 million people who work and live there are feeling the effect of climate change much sharper than anywhere else in the world. The Arctic environment is changing due to increased temperature. The thinning of the sea ice, melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet, and thawing permafrost bring about alarming changes. Such changes have… Read more »