ENVRIplus is a Horizon 2020 project bringing together Environmental and Earth System Research Infrastructures, projects and networks together with technical specialist partners to create a more coherent, interdisciplinary and interoperable cluster of Environmental Research Infrastructures across Europe. ENVRIplus is driven by three overarching goals: 1) favouring cross-fertilization between Research Infrastructures, 2) implementing innovative concepts and devices across Infrastructures, and… Read more »
“MYGEOSS” – Call for smart mobile or web-based applications
The European Commission is launching a second call for the development of innovative applications (mobile or web-based) using openly available or crowd-generated data in different domains addressing citizens’ needs. The pool of open data for use includes but is not limited to the Data Collection of Open Resources for Everyone (GEOSS Data-CORE) made available by… Read more »
IOC Assembly, June 2015, Paris
EuroGOOS was well represented at the 28th Session of the IOC Assembly in Paris last June. Erik Buch, EuroGOOS chair, gave an insightful talk on the challenges in the Arctic, promoting the establishment of an Arctic GOOS. EuroGOOS Glider Task Team chair Pierre Testor delivered a presentation on gliders and 4D oceanic measurements. Glenn Nolan,… Read more »
EuroGOOS welcomes Dina Eparkhina
Dina Eparkhina has joined the EuroGOOS Secretariat as Coordination and Communication Officer. Previously Dina worked at the European Marine Board, at the interface between marine science and policy. At EuroGOOS, Dina will develop the Communication Strategy and support EuroGOOS communication tasks in Horizon 2020 projects, notably Columbus and AtlantOS. Dina will also take over the… Read more »
The importance of sea and coastal observations and data: new EMODnet video
EMODnet published a new video, highlighting the importance of sea and coastal observations and data for a range of applications and users. The video illustrates the process of collecting, processing, storing and making available marine data, and the need to do embed this process in an interoperable pan-European sharing framework. View the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_X_rMDr0p48… Read more »
Kostas Nittis Medal awarded by Commissioner Vella
Award ceremony of the ‘Kostas Nittis Medal’, EMD 2015, 28 May. From left: Pablo Lorente, Commissioner Karmenu Vella and Erik Buch (EuroGOOS Chair) European Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Karmenu Vella, awarded the first Kostas Nittis Medal to Mr. Pablo Lorente during the celebration of European Maritime Day in Athens on 28 May 2015. The… Read more »
EuroGOOS 2015 Annual Meeting (20-22 May 2015)
The EuroGOOS 2015 Annual Meeting took place in Brussels on 20-22 May attended by 45 delegates. Presentations were given from chairs of ROOSes and EuroGOOS working groups and task teams. The meeting also discussed the EuroGOOS involvement in pan-European initiatives, such as EMODnet, JERICO Next, AtlantOS, etc. The Secretariat presented the structure of the EuroGOOS… Read more »
Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service now open on an operational mode
After the MyOcean pilot scheme developped from April 2009 to April 2015, coordinated by Mercator Ocean, the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service is now open on an operational mode. It yet serves close to 5000 registered users around the World. Under the Delegation Agreement signed on November 11th, 2014, Mercator Ocean undertakes to successfully implement… Read more »
European Maritime Day 2015 workshop: Marine data and information powering Blue Growth
EuroGOOS together with EMODnet, Mercator Ocean, the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change, the European Network of Maritime Clusters, INGV and Links S.p.A organises a workshop titled “marine data and information powering Blue Growth” on 28 May, 11:00-12:30, during the celebration of the European Maritime Day 2015 in Athens. The workshop will focus on key elements… Read more »
ISPRA’s marine activities now supported by the Italian Navy
Last month ISPRA (Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research) and the Italian Navy signed a three-year Framework Agreement to start a stable co-operation on several fields, including marine environmental monitoring, anti-pollution activities and operational oceanography. By signing this agreement both public institutions, according to their respective institutional activities, are willing to enhance and… Read more »