Angelique Melet, Kostas Nittis Medal winner 2016 and Erik Buch, EuroGOOS Chair, 25 May 2016, Brussels
Angelique Melet, a young researcher from Mercator Ocean, France, was awarded the 2016 Kostas Nittis Medal and associated grant yesterday. Angelique’s application went through a competitive evaluation process earlier in the year. The award ceremony took place yesterday in Brussels, at a special session of the EuroGOOS General Assembly 2016, bringing together over 50 representatives of 39 European ocean observing organizations from 19 countries.
The Kostas Nittis Medal scheme was launched at the European Maritime Day 2015 by the European Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Karmenu Vella. The Kostas Nittis Medal applications are open to young marine professionals within the operational oceanography and broader ocean observing. The Medal is accompanied by a grant of € 3,000 to support the winner’s participation in international conferences and events. The awardee is thus given a chance to present their research or technology at relevant events, building a professional network, gaining real life experience, and reaching out to potential partners and/or employers.
“It is an honour to be awarded the Kostas Nittis Medal, said Angelique Melet. The grant will give me a chance to present my research and activities at high-profile international conferences, and is an incentive to be more proactive in the oceanography community.”
Last year’s winner, Pablo Lorente of Puertos del Estado, Spain, presented an impact report on his activities supported to the grant. He’s been able to attend six conferences and deliver seven scientific papers, which helped to significantly advance his PhD. “The Kostas Nittis award has been a strong motivator for me, and a great opportunity”, shared Pablo in this presentation.
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