2023 has been a milestone year for EuroGOOS, marked by the celebration of the 10th edition of our International Conference, an event that brought together more than 160 people committed to operational oceanography. Hosted by the Marine Institute in Galway, the event allowed invaluable face-to-face interactions, exchanges, and new ideas, succinctly summarised in the Conference Statement, outlining the strengths and challenges for the European operational oceanography community coordinated by EuroGOOS. Working as one community can ensure sustained European ocean observing and forecasting for user-focused oceanographic services for society. This year, EuroGOOS has further advanced European capacities by bringing together the ocean observing operators, European Research Infrastructures, funders, users, and policy and decision makers. We will continue in this direction in 2024, fostering community building, best practices, and international, regional, and national cooperation.
This year, two new members have joined the EuroGOOS family: the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) and the Cyprus Marine & Maritime Institute (CMMI). CMMI will host the next edition of the EuroGOOS International Conference in 2026 in Cyprus, as an official event of the Cyprus Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
2023 has seen the completion of some projects that have been essential for our community, such as EuroSea, whose legacy report was delivered by EuroGOOS and can be downloaded here. We have also completed a tender project with DG MARE and CINEA titled All Ocean Obs, which helped the Commission to advance the Ocean Observations – Sharing Responsibility Initiative. Following several successful proposals, in 2024 we are joining new important projects and initiatives, such as AMRIT that will help to advance EOOS via implementing an EOOS Technical Support Center to ensure harmonised and coordinated operation of marine observation platforms; BioEcoOcean to co-create a comprehensive, fit-for-purpose, and inclusive Blueprint for Integrated Ocean Science (BIOS) that promotes a holistic approach, fosters effective communication and collaboration among stakeholders and sectors, and enables interoperability; ObsSea4Clim to improve regional and global climate assessments and provide projections and actionable indicators for sustainable development, and FOCCUS to improve and advance the coastal dimension of the Copernicus Marine Service. We will continue our work in ongoing projects, DOORS, Blue-Cloud2026, JERICO S3 and JERICO DS, EU4Ocean, EEA COINS.
This year has also been rich in terms of the work carried out by the EuroGOOS Regions (ROOS), Working Groups and Task Teams. We would like to highlight the MonGOOS General Assembly held in Tangier in November for the first time on the African continent, and promoting closer collaboration between the Mediterranean countries. NOOS has successfully prepared its Strategy 2030, to be launched next year. BOOS has been instrumental in improving the CMEMS products for the MSFD reporting through the collaboration with HELCOM, as part of the EuroSea project. The Arctic ROOS has continued to increase its activities in 2023, having a central role in the international initiative to develop a potential future Arctic GRA and organising a joint workshop with the Arctic Regional Team of the OceanPrediction DCC, to be held in January 2024.
EuroGOOS Working Groups have continued to boost exchange of best practices and the promotion of common European positions. DATAMEQ WG has successfully developed a new EuroGOOS Data Policy, which implements the IOC Data Policy adopted in 2023 in a European context. Ocean Literacy WG has co-organised a successful side event and a session at the 10th EuroGOOS International Conference, promoting the paramount importance of scientific inputs and expertise in changing humanity’s relationship with the ocean. The Coastal WG continues its role in coordination with various projects and initiatives, and is currently preparing its new roadmap of activities for the coming years.
EuroGOOS Task Teams have been as active as ever throughout 2023. The Glider TT is involved in organising the International Underwater Glider Conference 2024, due to be held in Gothenburg in June 2024. The renewed Argo TT had its kick off meeting in February, and is developing its activities in coordination with the Euro-Argo ERIC. The Fixed Platforms TT, which held an in-person meeting in Rome in April, is building up its work, including establishing a network of European fixed platforms.
EuroGOOS has continued to lead the development of the EOOS Framework as chair of the Steering Group. New EOOS Strategy 2023-2027 and Roadmap for Implementation were published in early 2023 with an online launch event featuring various high-level and expert speakers from different sectors which EOOS supports. Next year, with the aim of fostering collaboration with industry, the EOOS Technology Forum 2024, titled ‘Catching the momentum in ocean observing technology: optimising value and data provision’ will take place during Oceanology International on 13 March, co-organised by EuroGOOS and partners. EuroGOOS will continue the co-design and engagement activities with European and global partners towards a robust and user-focused EOOS.
On behalf of the EuroGOOS Office and the entire EuroGOOS community, we would like to wish you Merry Observing and a Happy New Year!
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