Today, the OECD released ‘The Ocean Economy in 2030’. The report explores the growth prospects for the ocean economy, its capacity for future employment and innovation, and its role in addressing global challenges. Special attention is devoted to the emerging ocean-based industries. The report stresses that unsustainable use of the ocean resources threatens the welfare and prosperity… Read more »
EuroGOOS response to the EC consultation on the Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge 5 work programme
EuroGOOS submitted its response to the European Commission consultation on the 2018-2020 work programme for the Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge 5 ‘Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials’. The Commission is planning to allocate €1 billion in this societal challenge for projects which should help achieving a resource-efficient and climate-change-resilient economy and society, as… Read more »
Towards an Arctic GOOS Regional Alliance
Today starts the Arctic Science Summit Week during which an unprecedented series of events will take place nurturing understanding and dialogue among scientists, policymakers, journalists, and general public. On the occasion of the Arctic Science Summit Week and the Arctic Observing Summit, EuroGOOS, GOOS and IOC-UNESCO have released a policy brief calling for an Arctic… Read more »
2016 ESFRI Roadmap launched
The ESFRI Roadmap 2016 was launched today. The roadmap identifies pan-European research infrastructures supporting long-term needs of the European research communities in all scientific areas. The launch event was organized under the Dutch Presidency by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) in close cooperation with ESFRI, the European Commission and the Dutch… Read more »
1st COLUMBUS Conference discusses knowledge transfer from research to application
COLUMBUS, a flagship Horizon 2020 project, held its first conference in Brussels on 2 March. About 60 participants attended, including the 26-member-strong consortium, the COLUMBUS External Advisory Board, as well as MEP Ricardo Serrão Santos and Head of Marine Resources Unit at DG R&I Sigi Gruber and the COLUMBUS project officer Marco Weydert. COLUMBUS is… Read more »
EuroGOOS Chair represents oceans on GEO
EuroGOOS Chair, Erik Buch, has been appointed as member of the Programme Board and observer to the Executive Board of GEO (the global Group on Earth Observations), as the GOOS representative. The GEO Programme Board is tasked to advise on the GEO implementation plan for the new period of 2016-2025. The GEO 2016 Work Programme bridges the… Read more »
The Kostas Nittis Medal: 2016 nominations call open
In 2015, EuroGOOS established the Kostas Nittis Medal in the memory of EuroGOOS Secretary General and strategic leader Dr. Kostas Nittis (1964-2014). The Kostas Nittis Medal is accompanied by a grant and awarded to a young marine professional within the operational oceanography and broader ocean observing community. The Kostas Nittis Medal and the grant amounting… Read more »
Ocean observing brings billions to the economy and provides 30,000 jobs says new US IOOS report
The Ocean Enterprise – a study of US for-profit and not-for-profit activity in the oceans has been released this month. It shows that ocean measurement, observation, and forecasting accounts for billions of dollars of the U.S. economy annually and provides up to 30,000 jobs. This is the first national-level assessment of the scale and scope of the ‘ocean enterprise’…. Read more »
EuroGOOS-EMODnet Data Workshop in Germany: main outcomes
Directors, Presidents and Data Managers from 14 leading German marine institutes as well as the German Marine Research Consortium attended the last week’s EuroGOOS-EMODnet Data Workshop in Hamburg. The workshop, hosted by BSH, discussed the current state of data availability and coordination in Germany and Europe in general. Patrick Gorringe, EuroGOOS, presented the current European… Read more »
EMODnet ready to attract new users
EMODnet physics data portal is constantly adding new features. The new wind product will interest a wide range of users, from shipping companies, fisheries and wind power industry to scientists and modellers. Features available include: A wind rose showing wind direction for last 60 days; Hourly strength of the wind speed for the past 24… Read more »