ArcticROOS General Assembly 2022
We will organise a two day on-line General Assembly. The first day will be a workshop focusing on how feasible the Arctic ocean observational system is for quantifying changes and variability in ocean and sea ice conditions in order to detect fingerprints of “Atlantification” as well as understand physical-biogeochemical interactions in the new Arctic Ocean…. Read more »
EuroGOOS Office is looking for a Science Officer
The EuroGOOS Office seeks a Science Officer to support the EuroGOOS team in activities linked to the coordination of the European ocean observing and forecasting. The position is for 4 years based in Brussels at the EuroGOOS Office. If you would like to apply for this position, please send your CV and a letter of… Read more »
Looking back at 2021
It is a time for celebration as the new year beckons and it is also a time to look back at the EuroGOOS highlights in 2021. The EuroGOOS 2030 Strategy was launched at our 9th International Conference in May. Our new strategy sets out ambitious objectives for the EuroGOOS community, bringing together nearly 140 organisations… Read more »
White paper “The Mediterranean Sea We Want” defines science needs and opportunities in the Ocean Decade
A community white paper “The Mediterranean Sea We Want” has been released in the Ocean and Coastal Research journal. The paper presents the main science needs, gaps, and challenges for implementing the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021-2030 (Ocean Decade) in the Mediterranean region. This is the result of a collaborative effort… Read more »
EuroGOOS viewer of observational and data capacities in the Black Sea
The EU DOORS project has announced the launch of observation and data mapping tool for the Black Sea developed by EuroGOOS. From a single interface, the tool allows users to navigate across different ocean observing and data initiatives in the Black Sea. Users can access marine data aggregators collecting physical, chemical or biological data, and… Read more »
EuroGOOS establishes a new Biological Observations Working Group
EuroGOOS ‘Scientists for Ocean Literacy’ initiative endorsed by the UN Ocean Decade
EuroGOOS is committed to mainstream ocean literacy in European oceanographic and met agencies as a strategic area of activity. This commitment has now been recognized and acknowledged by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (IOC), with the endorsement of the EuroGOOS initiative ‘Scientists for Ocean Literacy’ as a project under the UN Decade of Ocean… Read more »
EuroGOOS Office is looking for a Communications Officer
The EuroGOOS Office seeks a Communications Officer to support the EuroGOOS team, members, and regional networks in communications, outreach, and organizational tasks. The Communications Officer will manage the EuroGOOS Office daily communication and outreach tasks, support the EuroGOOS team in meeting organization, assist EuroGOOS members and regions (ROOS) in communication outreach tasks, and facilitate internal… Read more »
EuroGOOS releases new Kostas Nittis Award brochure and poster
The new brochure and flyer aim to provide an overview of the EuroGOOS Kostas Nittis Award. Interested applicants are invited to learn more about the initiative and eligibility criteria, and discover how the award has benefited the research work and professional development of previous winners. Every year, EuroGOOS awards the Kostas Nittis medal and a… Read more »